Monday, December 22, 2008

Dave's Here!

A couple of days after the tree party, Dave arrived in Montreal. he had been in the UK visiting friends, seeing his sister and attending his cousin's wedding. I was excited to see him, excited for Ali to meet him, they had just missed each other in the summer of 2006.

Dave was arriving at a reasonable hour, 7:00 PM or so. Weeks before, I had planned a welcome/happy birthday party for him. The surprise kind of got ruined because of Facebook wall posts, but that was okay. At least he was prepared. It's always funny to see someone when you haven't seen them in a long time, even if you live with them most of the time. It was so nice to see Dave standing there at the airport, and to give him a huge hug.

It was a really good night, everyone seemed to be in high spirits. There was pool playing and bar action going on downstairs, karaoke and kitchen talk upstairs. Logan's friends turned up as well, which was fun. Nat had arrived in Montreal from Oz just the night before, it was great to see her come out. Luke and Lee were there as well, I hadn't seen them in ages. It was a really good night.

Even though I had gone out, I hadn't properly gone walking outside since I arrived. I felt intimidated by the cold weather! Luckily for me, Dave was really enthusiastic to get out there. Dave, Ali and I went walking in the village, and it was actually really pleasant!

Dave arrived on the 23, and Christmas was right around the corner.

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