Sunday, July 18, 2010

July Holidays

The year's middle holiday is coming to a close. Compared to our Vietnam adventure in April, these two weeks have been incredibly relaxing. The World Cup was fun to get into, checked out some Jazz at The Bird, went to the 6s & 7s album launch at the Rosie, welcomed Maureen back from the UK with a lovely dinner at Clarence's, Went for walks into the city and to the library, had some dinners out, partied at Cutter's big birthday and Dave & I celebrated our 5-year anniversary with a few nights in Margaret River filled with relaxation: food, wine, the country and each other.

It was really a good couple of weeks.

Friday, July 2, 2010


It's time for STOMP, a special day at La Salle College. Everyone dresses up and has fun, providing a gold coin donation for worthy causes. Everyone had to dress as something starting with one of these letters: STOMP. Teachers do it too, it's heaps of fun! I was a punk, along with the lovely ladies in the library. Here are some pictures:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Five Years

Dave and I are celebrating five years of being together today. How amazing is that?

Also: Happy Canada Day, everyone! :)