Sunday, June 7, 2009

Prank Calls

I don't know what it is, but for some reason, prank calls REALLY do it for me. I know, I know. I'm 28 years old. I'm a teacher. I'm an adult and therefore supposedly mature. But a good prank call is just amazing.  As a little kid, Liz and I would prank call random numbers. We would wait for the person to answer and usually do something like yell "Penis!" before hanging up and dissolving into hysterical laughter.  Our best one was probably "It's raining dicks!" Very imaginative, I know. I remember when I was a teenager, Jill and I would spend ages prank calling the guys we had crushes on. We'd ask them if they wanted to go bra shopping, or just say random things. We'd try to figure out if there was any way they were interested in us (nope). Sahira and I would prank call ex-boyfriends (hers, I didn't really have any). She was great, and could keep them on for ages. he would have to hang up first most of the time!  Don't worry though, I have not made or witnessed a prank call in a long time. I don't really know why I'm writing about this. It's just a little something about me that's a little strange.  Seriously, if you're stressed or a bit down, go to youtube and watch a few. The soundboard ones are pretty great. I'm listening to one right now...


Anonymous said...

Hahahahah, I remember you would call the guys I had a crush on for me and ask them if they liked me like 'more than a friend.' discretely (or so we thought) between other girls' names...

Angie said...

Hahahaaa! Oh yeah! We *thought* we were discreet, but it was probably just so obvious.

Jill and I did that to "Simba", "Swing" and others as well!

Karen from Mentor said...

See, there's where technology just takes ALL THE FREAKIN FUN out of adolescent rites of passage.

Caller id killed the prank call.
(at least in the states)